Fulfill Your Destiny utilizes a business/entrepreneurial model towards fundraising. Fulfill Your Destiny raises money in several unique ways, many of which include Karen Mertes, our founder, personally offering a professional service or product for donation. Fulfill Your Destiny raises money by the following means:
1) Keynote Speaker – Delivered to business groups, corporations, associations and other charitable organizations. Karen is a professional motivational speaker with the Woman Veterans Speakers Bureau, Professional Woman Network, and National Speakers Association. For more information, please view our Speaker Info tab.
2) Sponsors for Speaking Engagements – Businesses wishing to sponsor Karen’s speaking engagements, please contact her. Past sponsors have included Richter Publishing, C1 Bank, Home Instead Senior Care, Independent Financial Services, and Willow Healing. For more information, please view our Speaker Info tab.
3) Motivational and Leadership Consultant – Given Karen’s successful 20 year history serving as an officer in our United States Air Force, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and serving in a number of leadership roles including two back-to-back Squadron Commander and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) positions, she serves as a consultant to corporations and other organizations. Karen served as the CFO for an overseas budget in excess of $169 million. Karen has also earned three certifications and is internationally recognized as a Certified Entrepreneur Coach, Certified Leadership Coach and Certified Women’s Issues Consultant. For more information, please view our Meet Karen tab.
All tax-deductible fees for these engagements are paid directly to Fulfill Your Destiny.
4) Donations associated with the books: Plaintiff 101 The Black Book of Inside Information Your Lawyer Will Want You to Know; Fearless Women Visions of a New World; The Power of Transformation Reinventing Your Life; and Woman Power Strategies for Female Leaders
Plaintiff 101 – Karen is an award winning, best-selling author. Karen’s book, Plaintiff 101 The Black Book of Inside Information Your Lawyer Will Want You to Know, a #1 Amazon Best Seller and #1 Hot New Release is a survival story that inspires injured victims and guides them though litigation. Plaintiff 101 explains in layman’s terms how to protect yourself and your family financially before and during the litigation process. Plaintiff 101 provides 50 Takeaways and Checklists some of which can be implemented immediately to save time, money and energy. This groundbreaking book is written from the combined efforts of an attorney and a plaintiff. Plaintiff 101 gives readers much of the information from inside a personal injury lawsuit from a lawyer and the plaintiff who was successful in her litigation. Karen shares her personal story of triumph through tragedy after being struck on the interstate by a very drunk driver (.221) traveling over 100 mph. Karen provides in depth details on what she did right and even more importantly, what she did wrong, in her litigation against the drunk driver and insurance companies. It’s a must read for every driver! Plaintiff 101 is available on Amazon in paperback, kindle, and as an audio book. For more info, please visit our Plaintiff 101 tab under our Author tab.
Fearless Women Visions of a New World – Karen is one of 50 women profiled as well as featured on the cover of Fearless Women Visions of a New World. Internationally renowned photographer, Mary Ann Halpin focuses her lens on 50 successful women in her latest photo portrait book, Fearless Women Visions of a New World. This coffee table hardcover book captures and chronicles the important stories of 50 fearless women across the globe working to make our world a better place. Also included with this book is the CD, ‘Songs for a New World’ featuring 13 tracks by Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated artists.
Karen is offering this book with CD combo where all proceeds go directly to Fulfill Your Destiny. Order your copy today for a minimum $40.00 tax-deductible donation to Fulfill Your Destiny.
or you can email Karen Mertes at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org.
Karen is also a co-author of The Power of Transformation Reinventing Your Life and a co-author of Woman Power Strategies for Female Leaders. These are available for a minimum $19.95 tax-deductible donation for each book to Fulfill Your Destiny.
5) Sponsors for Business Builder Grants – Businesses wishing to sponsor Fulfill Your Destiny’s signature program, awarding ‘Business Builder Grants’ to vetted entrepreneurs desiring to take their businesses to the next level, please contact Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org. Current sponsors include Pilot Bank, Independent Financial Services, and My Benefit Partners. For more information, please view our Business Builder Grants tab.
6) Licensing Karen’s ‘The Asset Map’ Checklists – Karen’s Mom passed away very suddenly from a massive heart attack. Karen was the executor, personal representative and trustee. Combing the internet for resources to help, Karen didn’t find all that she needed so she created two checklists: 1) What to Do When Learning of the Passing of a Loved One and 2) The Asset Map which helps you find the treasure in your business and personal life, map your assets, and prepare your family for financial freedom. Thank you to Independent Financial Services for licensing the right to use these two checklists to help all of their clients. For more information, please view our Speaker Info tab and contact Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org to learn more.
7) Community Partners – For a yearly reasonable tax-deductible donation, businesses may become Community Partners with Fulfill Your Destiny. Businesses have their logos along with active links to their websites or Facebook pages referenced throughout the Fulfill Your Destiny website. Due to its success, Fulfill Your Destiny is ranked #1 on most search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing giving our Community Partners tremendous visibility and opportunities for growth. For more information, please view our Partners tab.
8) Grants – Any grantors who find the mission of Fulfill Your Destiny to be consistent with their grant requirements, please feel free to contact us.
9) Named Grant Program – For a minimum $2,500 tax-deductible donation to Fulfill Your Destiny, corporations or individuals will have a Grant named in their honor. These Grants are facilitated and disbursed by Fulfill Your Destiny. These donors may have input into the selection process of recipients if they desire.
10) Host Events – Fulfill Your Destiny hosts fundraising events. Please keep checking our website and Facebook at www.facebook.com/fulfillyourdestiny for updates. Our signature event, Fulfill Your Destiny’s Spring Chari-Tea is held each March at The Empress Tea Room. For more information, please visit our Chari-Tea tab.
11) Third-Party Events – Fulfill Your Destiny welcomes corporations and organizations that wish to host events where Fulfill Your Destiny is a recipient of part of the proceeds. Please consider having such an event and making Fulfill Your Destiny one of your Charities of Choice!
12) Our ongoing, year-round Entrepreneurial Partnerships are (listed alphabetically) with AmazonSmile; Chef Inspired Popcorn Company; Great Lakes Scrip Center; Gulf Management Systems DonorBOO$T Program; Sea Beans with Style; The Honey Baked Ham Company; and and Marie Rosenbaum, Travel Consultant at Anchors Away Cruises & Tours.
Fulfill Your Destiny is honored to be participating in AmazonSmile. In order to browse or shop at AmazonSmile at www.smile.amazon.com, customers must first select a charitable organization. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s selected charitable organization. Thank you for selecting Fulfill Your Destiny!
Chef Inspired Popcorn Company
Fulfill Your Destiny has teamed with Chef Inspired Popcorn Company for fundraising. Fulfill Your Destiny is seeking corporate clients as well as individuals interested in purchasing gourmet popcorn. Chef Inspired Popcorn makes great appreciation gifts for business associates, clients, and staffs. This is a year-round, on-going program where
50% of the proceeds of Chef Inspired Popcorn Company orders obtained through Fulfill Your Destiny directly benefit Fulfill Your Destiny. Please contact Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org to learn more.
Great Lakes Scrip Center
Fulfill Your Destiny offers about 300 other Gift Cards with the most common being: Amazon.com Gift Cards, AMC Theatres, Groupon, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Outback Steakhouse, Panera Bread, Target, Starbucks and Walmart. This is an on-going, year-round program. For more information on this program, please visit our Gift Cards tab as part of our Entrepreneurial Partnerships.
Gulf Management Systems DonorBOO$T PRogram
DonorBOO$T is a network for connecting non-profits and business owners. Gulf Management Systems runs the network, and partners with non-profit and businesses to create ongoing value through relationship building. The DonorBOO$T program works because nearly every business knows they have to accept credit card payments in order to thrive, yet no business owner enjoys paying the processing fees associated with taking card payments. When businesses participate in the DonorBOO$T network, they will receive a guaranteed processing rate reduction from Gulf Management Systems. The savings provided by Gulf Management Systems can range from anywhere between $5 and $10,000 per month depending on the merchant’s specific situation. Besides saving real money for merchants, Gulf Management Systems earns recurring revenue from their credit card processing activity. Gulf Management Systems then donates a percentage of this earned revenue back to the participating non-profit. This is where the BOO$T in DonorBOO$T comes from! Please contact Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org to learn more.
Sea Beans with Style
Sea Beans with Style Wearable Art by Ken & Patty Karpinski, are graciously donating 40% of all sales through their website, www.seabeanswithstyle.com, to Fulfill Your Destiny when customers enter the code “FYD” for Fulfill Your Destiny in the ‘Note to Seller’ field upon checkout on the PayPal form.
Ken and Patty turned their passion for beach combing into their Sea Bean jewelry business, and have combined their Sea Beans with beads from around the world. Your necklaces may have a combination of beads from Africa, India, China or Europe, encompassing unique textures, colors and shapes. The naturalness of the necklaces will give the wearer a sense of well being attuned with the world around them.
Sea Beans are available in necklaces, bracelets, and key chains. For more information or to order, please visit our Sea Beans tab and www.seabeanswithstyle.com. Please remember to use the code “FYD” in the ‘Note to Seller’ field upon checkout. Thank you.
The Honey Baked Ham Company
Fulfill Your Destiny has teamed with The Honey Baked Ham Company for fundraising. Fulfill Your Destiny is seeking corporate clients as well as individuals interested in purchasing Honey Baked Ham Gift Cards for business associates, clients, staffs, family and friends as well as any catering needs. This is a year-round, on-going program where
20% of the proceeds of Honey Baked Ham Gift Cards obtained from Fulfill Your Destiny directly benefit Fulfill Your Destiny.
For more information on this program, please visit our https://fulfillyourdestiny.org/honeybaked-ham-gift-card tab as part of our Entrepreneurial Partnerships.
Marie Rosenbaum, Travel Consultant at OceanView Travels
Fulfill Your Destiny has teamed with Marie Rosenbaum at OceanView Travels for Fundraising. Fulfill Your Destiny is seeking individuals interested in booking travel for family, friends and themselves.
With every reservation booked, Marie will donate $25 to Fulfill Your Destiny. Enjoy traveling while helping Fulfill Your Destiny at NO additional cost to you!
For more information, please visit our travel tab as part of our Entrepreneurial Partnerships.
13) Leave a Legacy – Individuals are invited to leave a legacy by remembering Fulfill Your Destiny in their wills. Please contact Karen directly at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org for further information.
Methods in which you can donate to Fulfill Your Destiny include:
- Donations by Mail – Tax-deductible donations payable to Fulfill Your Destiny may be made by mailing to: Fulfill Your Destiny 3030 North Rocky Point Drive W., Suite 150, Tampa, FL 33607
- Donate Button – You may make a tax-deductible donation to Fulfill Your Destiny with a credit or debit card by clicking here.
- Donor Advised Funds
Tax Deductible Contributions: All donations will be personally acknowledged by a letter.
IRS Designation: EIN 90-0859130, 501(c)(3), Effective 9/1/2010 Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc.
Karen Mertes, our founder, donates her time to Fulfill Your Destiny. She pays the administrative costs to operate Fulfill Your Destiny out of her personal funds. With the exceptions of donations associated with a service or product, Karen donates an additional 10%* in each donor’s name making each donor’s effective contribution 110%.
*Karen Mertes, our founder, donates an additional 10% in each donor’s name up to $1,000 for each donor. For all single donations above $10,000, Karen caps her 10% contribution at $1,000.
The Story Behind the 110% in Karen’s Own Words:
As a sports enthusiast, I grew up hearing that if one wishes to give their very best, they will give 110%. But even at an early age, I knew this was impossible. Majoring in Mathematics at Boston University I had resigned myself to the fact that this great motivational adage could never be achieved.
That all changed upon my design of my 501(c)(3) non-profit Fulfill Your Destiny. Donating an additional 10% to the generosity of others’ donations, I could make giving 110% mathematically possible, supporting my cause and assisting others even further.
110 cents out of every dollar (100 from Donors and 10 from me) goes towards helping people receiving assistance from Fulfill Your Destiny.
Should you have any questions, kindly e-mail Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org. Thank you for your consideration in making Fulfill Your Destiny one of your Charities of Choice!

Meet Our Mascot 'Destiny'

Imagine how strong every community could become if hands eagerly reach out to help others when and where needed.
Buy Plaintiff 101 Today!
The Black Book of Inside Information Your Lawyer Will Want You to Know

Karen Mertes named a 2015 Woman of Distinction by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Karen Mertes Winner of Most Online Votes in Tampa Bay’s Dancing with the Stars charity event hosted by Julie Weintraub’s Hands Across the Bay

2014 WEDU BeMore Winner

Learn about our Honey Baked Ham Fundraising
You can help FYD by purchasing gift cards at no additional cost to you!

Order Your Book Today!
or email Karen Mertes at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org