Fulfill Your Destiny helps people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances. Special consideration is given to survivors living with a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
To create the H.E.R.O. – ‘Hands Eagerly Reach Out’ movement. When we dare to care, our hands eagerly reach out to help others in need.
Imagine how strong every community could become if hands eagerly reach out to help others when and where needed.

1) Keep People Working: To provide financial support to individuals whose careers have been altered due to permanent injuries or unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to traumatic brain injuries for the purpose of obtaining vocational counseling, educational or occupational retraining.
2) Inspire and Motivate: To educate others about those personal challenges facing any of us suffering injuries that permanently changes our lives. How we confront our challenges is the key to the core motto of Fulfill Your Destiny: Character Drives Destiny. We teach people that we are all defined by our character, which compels us to pick up the pieces and carry on when confronted with tremendous obstacles.
3) Build Awareness and Educate: To offer assistance – educational, financial, volunteer time and/or in-kind services directly to individuals and other non-profit corporations, to increase awareness of traumatic brain injuries and to support those who have experienced TBIs.
Fulfill Your Destiny’s signature program awards ‘Business Builder Grants’ to proven entrepreneurs who have experienced life changing events to take their business to the next level.

USAF Lieutenant Colonel Karen Mertes honored as Lightning Community Hero
Dress For Success, MADD, Fulfill Your Destiny, Bay Area Legal Services and Hands Across The Bay to benefit from $50,000 donation
The Tampa Bay Lightning honored United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Mertes as a Lightning Community Hero during the first period of tonight’s game against the Los Angeles Kings. Mertes, who received a $50,000 donation from the Lightning Foundation and the Lightning Community Heroes program, will divide the money among her charities of choice, Dress For Success, MADD, Fulfill Your Destiny, Bay Area Legal Services and Hands Across The Bay.

Meet Our Mascot 'Destiny'

Imagine how strong every community could become if hands eagerly reach out to help others when and where needed.
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Karen Mertes named a 2015 Woman of Distinction by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Karen Mertes Winner of Most Online Votes in Tampa Bay’s Dancing with the Stars charity event hosted by Julie Weintraub’s Hands Across the Bay

2014 WEDU BeMore Winner

Learn about our Honey Baked Ham Fundraising
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or email Karen Mertes at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org