Fulfill Your Destiny, founded by Karen Mertes, has awarded a Business Builder Grant to Sandi Hein and Amber Wilson to benefit their company, Roots & Ritual. With the money from the grant they have purchased a new weather resistant tent for their events.
Roots & Ritual is a unique blend of Ayurveda and Apitherapy – sacred self-care through ancient remedies.Sandi is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Amber a Reiki Master and Ayurvedic Yoga Instructor. Both have incredible love for bees, beekeeping, rescuing and rehoming bees, and a passion for learning how to mend the body through plant medicines.
Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old healing modality with roots in ancient India. As a practitioner, Sandi treats her clients with all types of remedies, from herbal to dietary to lifestyle. She and Amber create herbal teas, churnas (personal spices), salves, oils, ghees, tinctures, elixirs, balms, and herbal-infused honey elixirs personalized for each client. We’ve re-developed some of these to serve a broader audience, and we have many more in progress.
They create all of their products at home. All of the Roots & Ritual beehive-based products are created with ingredients from their hives. Only about 5% of the herbs for their Ayurvedic teas are grown on their property. They try to locally source as much of the rest of the herbs as possible, and all are organic. “Being beekeepers, we are hyper aware of our impact on the environment. All of our labels are printed on recycled paper. All of our packaging is either glass, paper or tin, and our new resealable tea packaging are recyclable stand-up pouches. “
Congratulatiions Roots & Ritual!
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