Last Year, with the support of Alicia Campos and On Point Executive Center, I received a Fulfill Your Destiny Business Builder Grant. My proposal was to paint a mural that inspires those dealing with thoughts of suicide to choose LIFE. I teamed up with Michele Stone at Carrollwood Cultural Center to present this humble mural for the people who flow in and out of this Center to feel inspired about Life no matter the CHAOS (I am in a constant state of reminding myself to feel this same way. It meant a lot for me to be able to complete this meaningful project.)
Title: I Feel Safe
Lex Lang: “Here exists diverse seeds of play. Here in this place, grow the best versions of self. Here, I belong to a community that thrives because I choose to nurture my Artistic Soul. We are Culture in motion : .”

I wanted to write to tell you, Thank You for sharing your story. It is always interesting how people are drawn together. I really love the people Alicia surrounds herself with. I’ve never had as much fun at Art shows as I do participating in Alicia’s events. More than a good time, she puts us in an environment with healthy people that love to create, she is a true Artist.
The grant that you saw fit to share with me will go towards a mural here in Florida. This will be my first Florida mural and I am truly honored. Paint22 came about as Belicia and I were discussing possible business ventures. Belicia said, “You know, we need a for-profit and a non-profit.” This is a way longer story of mentors, inspiration, tough decision, and sacrifice, but I’m sure you already know all about that. Long story, short Belicia and I run 3 businesses. We have a lot of Dreams.
This mural is a representation of everything I have learned this far in my life, if not more. This mural tells the story of Americana Distortion, true to all of its valor and honor. This mural is inspired by my work with #PAINT22. This is a great time to be alive.
“I choose to live because… I choose to create”.
I am excited for the interactive portion of the mural. Everyone will add to the mural, why they choose to live.
Karen, You have dedicated your life to connecting with others. Your journey is relative and necessary. We are grateful for this opportunity to create in your kindness.
Thank You so much for this opportunity. We are HONORED.
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