Thank you for believing in our mission! Your support means the world to me. Your donation will go...
CONGRATULATIONS Nessa McClain on being chosen as the most recent recipient of the Fulfill Your...
THANK YOU Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2024/25 for naming Fulfill Your Destiny the Funding &...
THANK YOU @tampa women for good for allowing us to pitch at your Quarterly Gather & Grant event...
Rosie, a loved and valued employee at Visions. Karen & Karen had a great time at Raining Berries...
On April 19, 2018, at Fulfill Your Destiny’s Annual Spring Chari-Tea Event, Tina Brunsman of Sweet...
At Fulfill Your Destiny’s 2018 Spring Chari-Tea Event, Clemmie Perry, founder of Women in Color Golf...
Last Year, with the support of Alicia Campos and On Point Executive Center, I received a Fulfill...
Gerene Keesler of Admissions Untangled, has earned the Fulfill Your Destiny Business Builder Grant...
Recently, Palm Harbor Phish Smokehouse Company received the Fulfill Your Destiny Buisness Builder...
Mayor Jane Castor and Karen share a moment at the Post 911 Veterans Annual Women’s Brunch...
Fulfill Your Destiny, founded by Karen Mertes, has awarded a Business Builder Grant to Sandi Hein...
Joseph’s Tea Room is a family-owned business specializing on it’s own high-quality tea blends...
On May 1, 2021, Denise Derisseau of 6 Bars of Love Artisan Soaps, was awarded a $1,000 Business...
On September 12, 2019, Calvin Reynolds of Concepts Redefined, was awarded the $1000 Fulfill Your...
Local woman presented her very own toyota corolla at fulfill your destiny’s 2017 spring chari-tea...
Alicia Divico of the South Tampa Wellness Spa was awarded a $1000 Fulfill Your Destiny Business...
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Imagine how strong every community could become if hands eagerly reach out to help others when and where needed.
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Karen Mertes named a 2015 Woman of Distinction by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
Karen Mertes Winner of Most Online Votes in Tampa Bay’s Dancing with the Stars charity event hosted by Julie Weintraub’s Hands Across the Bay
2014 WEDU BeMore Winner
Learn about our Honey Baked Ham Fundraising
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